Friday, May 30, 2014

Fear of death drives the domination of a failed medical system which more often than not does more harm than good.

The only reason modern medicine call sell itself, given its failure and damage rate, is because it exploits fear and is a profit-driven industry.

With iatrogenic - doctor or medical induced - death as the third biggest killer in the US and rising in other developed nations, mainly from drugs, something is very, very, very wrong with an industry which claims to abide by 'doing no harm.'

With serious and chronic disease on the rise, faster in children, in the developed world and worst in the US, something is very, very wrong.

If Allopathic medicine were not fear-based and if the fear, if not hatred and mistrust of the body, were not supported by Government agencies, this industry would collapse - or be forced to change.
The latter option is the best one because there are valuable skills in Allopathic medicine, particularly where a mechanical approach can be applied such as reconstructive surgery, but on most other counts it is an abject failure. Medication for life or cutting bits off is not healing and rarely cure.

Modern medicine has become like a religion with massive 'temples' to its power, profit and prestige being built bigger and bigger and more and more. If Allopathic medicine did what it says it does those hospitals would decrease and grow smaller and people would spend less and less time at the doctor. The opposite is true. Health is less common and disease is more common and it costs a fortune to no good end.

Excerpt: Yet that is the exactly the state of medicine today as we face the tsunami of lifestyle-related chronic diseases that will cost our global economy $47 trillion over the next 20 years. These diseases are eminently preventable and treatable, and yet currently, every year, they kill twice as many people around the world as infectious diseases do.

As we spend more and more for health care, we get less and less. America has worse health care outcomes and lower life expectancy than almost every other developed nation. As we invent new drugs and procedures, chronic diseases continue to rise in America, and -- as developing countries adopt the worst of our food and culture -- around the globe.

Chronic diseases affect one in two Americans and account for 80 percent of our health care costs. Heart disease, diabetes, cancer, autoimmune diseases, digestive disorders, dementia, allergies, asthma, arthritis, depression, ADD, autism, Parkinson's disease, hormonal problems and more -- they cause endless suffering and drain our financial resources.
Imagine a time when people died or suffered from incurable acute infections....
The Huffington Post|By Mark Hyman, MD

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Looking to a future when there is more health and less medicine

There are clear reasons why Allopathic medicine so often fails to cure or heal. Medication for months or life is not a cure and neither is it healing. It is merely masking symptoms and is akin to your car mechanic cutting the wire so your 'warning light' goes off as his solution to the problem.

The system is sourced in a belief that human beings and this world can be reduced to the material and the mechanical - to data, statistics and generics and that the human body is a machine/bag of chemicals.

It cannot of course which is why modern medicine so often fails to cure unless it is able to approach from a mechanical perspective - sewing bits back on and trauma/crisis situations.

Doctors have lost the art of diagnosis and now rely on dozens of generic tests and a body reduced to separate parts where the whole or the sum of the parts is never or rarely considered.

Doctors in the past and still in other medical methodologies touched patients, listened carefully took note of everything a patient said as being important and relevant, used their intuition, instinct, senses, capacity to observe to assess the patient and make diagnosis.

Today, and perhaps it is why so many MD's find themselves dissatisfied or depressed, a doctor is a combination of chemist prescribing drugs and secretary ordering tests with little capacity to understand the human being as a complex, inter-connected and inter-related organism where physical, mental, physiological, biological, emotional, circumstantial, environmental, hereditary (physical, emotional, mental) and spiritual factors play a part in any presenting symptom, condition or disease.

Modern medicine will never be an instrument of cure for most until it returns to these values. Taking of course the important mechanical and material things learned from Allopathy in the past but integrating them into a rational, realistic and holistic view of the human body.

The emerging field of Integrative Medicine offers hope where Allopathic medicine can offer its areas of skills - material and mechanistic, mainly in surgery and trauma but also in biophysics - and these can be combined and integrated with the older and often ancient knowledge and understanding of the human condition to be found in other medical methodologies like Homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbal Medicine, Ayurveda, Reiki, Nutritional, Naturopathic, Chiropractic, Kinesiology and the rest.

When that happens people will visit the doctor less, hospitals will become smaller, drug prescriptions will be rare, medical testing will be occasional, public health costs will diminish substantially and people will be healthier. And Iatrogenic, doctor or medical induced disease or death, will largely disappear.
Luncheon talk to 400 people gathered for the Keegan Leadership Lecture Series on Friday May 23, 2014. As quoted from Santa Rosa's Press Democrat, "she declared ...

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

How a small child can regrow a fingertip and other wonders.

How many parents know that beneath the age of six, if a child loses the top of a finger it will regrow? Not many and probably not many conventional doctors either, but the ancient art of acupuncture knows because it understands Qi or body energy.

Why can salamanders grow new legs, and young children grow new finger tips, but adult humans can’t regenerate? What is the electricity that flows through the human body? Is it the same thing that the Chinese call Qi? If so, what does Chinese medicine know, that western medicine ignores? asks Dr Daniel Keown, Allopathic doctor and Acupuncturist.

Acupuncture is more than 3,000 years old and until recent times was thoroughly ridiculed by Western medicine. As modern science has advanced acupuncture has gained greater acceptance and Western medicine has had to face the fact it got it wrong out of ignorance and an arrogant assumption that science knows it all at any given point in history.

As we move toward a world where Integrative medicine is the norm and Allopathy works hand in hand with Traditional Chinese Medicine, not so old actually, but it includes the ancient acupuncture, Herbal medicine, Homeopathy, Nutritional Medicine, Ayurveda, Reiki and numerous other medical methodologies then we will begin to see less damaged done by conventional modern medicine and more healing and curing. All to the good.

We are energy beings; we are electrical systems; we function beyond the material at vibrational and frequency levels and when science/medicine can understand that the world will be a better place and people will be healthier.

Non-allopathic medical methodologies are also science, it is just that modern science has not yet developed enough itself to understand them – but it will get there.
As a part of that journey Dr Keown’s book, is worth reading:

Monday, May 05, 2014

Disease comes from within not from without

"Bernard was right. The microbe is nothing. The soil (body's internal health/environment) is everything."
Dr. Louis Pasteur, French Chemist and Bacteriologist.

Germs, bacteria, viruses etc., do not make us ill and in fact we live in harmony with many of them most of the time - disease comes from a failure of the immune response and a weakening of general bodily health. A healthy body with a robust immune response is what keeps us well and makes us well. Anything which compromises that compromises our health.

Things which compromise health include:

1. poor diet with not enough natural food and too much processed food. Some organic food is always good. Enjoying what you eat is crucial.

2. A diet which is not varied enough and not fresh enough. Home prepared is good but mostly enjoy what you eat.

3. Antibiotics - the word means anti-life and they kill the good bacteria which keeps you well at the same time. (Clearly in life and death situations they are crucial, otherwise, refuse them. Although given their abuse by science/medicine they are increasingly useless anyway which makes a healthy body even more important.)

4. C-section delivery (clearly in emergency this can't be helped but elective C-section should be banned as scientists now know it compromises gut function in babies significantly and a healthy gut means better brain function and better immune function)

5  Pharmaceutical drugs. (Clearly if these are absolutely necessary one has no choice but ensure they are absolutely necessary and take no more than you must.)

6. Not enough fresh air. Open doors and windows and walk.

7. Electro-magnetism - turn off Wi-Fi at night and do not sleep in a room with anything electrical unless it is turned off at the socket.

8. Not enough sleep. Sleep is a habit. Make sure you have good sleep habits.

9. Not enough time relaxing, laughing and being. Meditation helps some, others gardening, knitting, painting - whatever you enjoy doing and which provides satisfaction.

10. A lack of meaning in life. If you can't find meaning at any sort of philosophical level, and any set of beliefs which suit you will do, then get a cat or a dog!

11. Vaccination but this will depend on how sensitive you are and how many you have and how often and whether they are multiple.

12. Not enough people contact or socialising. People matter. Family and friends are crucial to health. If you don't have much or many on hand, get a cat or a dog or some kind of pet! Or get involved in charity work.

Science is not always right and it may be very wrong on vaccines

 it is very important to differentiate between what science says vaccination does in an orthodox sense; what science says vaccination might or can do in a broader sense; what doctors, parents and people experience vaccination doing; what common sense and an understanding of immune function says vaccination can or might do, and consider all aspects of what is, after all, in human history, a very recent medical experiment.

I appreciate that for many people the word of science/medicine equates with the word of God, but for many others it does not. While some may believe anything science says, others do not. While some, even many, may need to believe what science says to assuage their fears, many do not. While some may refuse to countenance anything unless it has been approved by science/medicine, others do not.

Freedom of choice is core in all of this. At this point in our very, very, very recent history of vaccines an experimental methodology is based on a procedure which is questionable when you study the history of vaccination and which is very questionable when you study how the body's immune system functions.

I am sure that most people are robust enough to 'survive' the vaccination onslaught, although given the massive rise in serious and chronic disease in people in general and children in particular, that is also questionable, but there is no doubt that nearly a quarter of the population is highly sensitive and may be seriously affected. 

That is why everyone must be free to choose for themselves. Here is one reason why not everyone can be robust enough to survive vaccines unscathed, particularly given the number administers now, and at seriously young ages and in multiple quantities:

danger of by-passing and undermining the immune system is well established in the medical literature. According to Walene James (Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth 1988 pp 14-15.)

Vaccines bypass the body’s normal lines of immune defence: There is a fundamental issue with injecting particles of infectious diseases directly into the bloodstream, thereby bypassing the immune system’s first line of defence—called the Th1 level of the immune system—in a “surprise attack” on the second line of defence—called the Th2 level—that is so distressing to the body it can cause anaphylactic shock. 

In nature, diseases are introduced into the body through the nose, mouth, skin and lungs, triggering a first line of defence that usually combats the illness before it ever reaches the bloodstream. 

Vaccines’ repeated “back-door assaults” on the Th2 level of the immune system make it hyper-sensitive and compel it to react inappropriately to other normally harmless substances like peanuts; the result is a generation of children with damaged immune systems who suffer from food and environmental allergies, asthma and increasingly with life threatening anaphylactic disorders.

So, if you are sensitive then your children are likely to be sensitive. Err on the side of caution if you decide to vaccinate. Wait at least until the child is more than six months, after the age of one is better; only ever administer single-dose vaccines; space vaccination 6-12 weeks apart depending on reactions and how sensitive you believe your child is and after research, opt only for those vaccines you have decided are necessary. If you can breastfeed then do as this confers extra immunity to your baby. Try not to feel guilty if you choose to do other than current social beliefs insist, and remember that modern medicine has many useful skills and if your baby is sick and you are concerned then do not hesitate to seek the advice of Allopathic doctors.

There are actually now quite a few MD's who are sympathetic to parent's concerns about vaccination so find one who is. And remember, whatever you decide, you are doing the best for your child. To vaccinate or not to vaccinate is a personal question and a very personal decision.

At the end of the day every parent acts in the best interests of their child and on that count it is never about right or wrong in any absolute sense.